Thanks to cutting-edge technology, 

Green Hands will make it possible to keep your eternal beauty. 

We use DVS(divinyl sulfone) as a cross-linking agent.

And when it is used as cross-lining agent, the hydroxyl (-OH) groups on the HA chains reacts under

alkaline conditions to yield stable hydrogels containing sulfonyl-bis-ethyl linkages. The cross-linking procedure is

simple, reproducible, and safe and does not employ any organic solvents. The result is a network of HA chains that

is no longer water-soluble; hydrogels exhibit a mechanical behaviour typical of a strong gel and show favourable

viscoelastic properties and an improved injectability profile

Among its mechanical and rheologic properties, HA-DVS is characterized by a significant flexibility, ideal

for a wide variety of medical applications, including post-surgical antiadhesive films, ocular fillings, and

joint lubricants.